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MP To Render Accounts To Constituents

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THE MEMBER of Parliament(PM) for Atwima Nwabiagya South, Emmanuel Agyei Anhwere, is set to render accounts of his stewardship to his constituents.

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In line with this, the lawmaker has instituted a programme, dubbed “Talk To Your MP”, which would officially kick-start on Tuesday August 23, 2022.

The laudable programme would see the MP visiting all the electoral areas in his constituency to brief his constituents about his achievements thus far.

Agyei Anhwere will also take advantage of his timely tour, especially as parliament is on recess, to gather information, regarding problems facing his constituents.

Meanwhile, Press1news has learnt that the Legislator will on the first day of his tour, visit Amanchia, Nkonteng, Kobeng, and Seidi.

Agyei Anhwere has been in Ghana’s Parliament  serving his people, since January 2017.

By Thomas Awuah

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