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Mahama For Prez Campaign Starts In K’si

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FORMER PRESIDENT John Mahama’s desire of becoming Ghana’s president once again on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has been given a lifeline.

A serious campaign to get him (Mahama) re-elected as the presidential candidate of the largest opposition political party in the country for the 2024 polls has started in Kumasi.

An influential member of the NDC in Kumasi, Francis Dodovi, who is leading the campaign, has stated emphatically that Mr. Mahama is the suitable person to lead the NDC to recapture power.

According to him, Mr. Mahama is tried-and-tested, having occupied the highest office of the land for one-term, therefore he should be given the chance to lead the NDC for election 2024.

Dodovi, who is currently gunning to become the Ashanti Regional Youth Organizer of the NDC, is of the opinion that Mr. Mahama stands tall among the other NDC presidential aspirants.

“Mr. Mahama is the NDCs surest bet to lead the party to recapture political power from the non-performing New Patriotic Party (NPP) administration in 2024.

“He has done it before, and in fact, he performed exceptionally well when he was given the nod to occupy the presidential seat in 2012”, Dodovi pointed out to Press1News.

According to him, under the tenure of the Mr. Mahama-led NDC administration, the country experienced massive infrastructural transformation for four years non-stop.

Dodovi also said the country’s economy, which is now virtually on its knees due to poor management by the NPP administration, boomed when Mr. Mahama was in political office.

The ex-NDC Parliamentary Candidate (PC) for Suame Constituency in 2020, said the electorates are aware of Mr. Mahama’s efficiency and excellent works in office so they would vote for him as president in 2024.

In this regard, Dodovi, who is very outspoken, announced that he would personally use his resources and energy to campaign for Mr. Mahama to lead the NDC on any day and anytime.

The NDC guru also appealed passionately to all NDC members in the country to rally behind Mr. Mahama so that he would wrest political power from the NPP in 2024 and restore hope to the country.

Authored By

I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr

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