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Let’s Begin A New Relationship-JFK Woos Media

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THE GENERAL Secretary of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Justin Frimpong Kodua Esq has appealed to the media to join him to build a new relationship with them.

He said this new relationship would be aimed at mutually exploring avenues that could ensure the rapid development of the Country.

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Addressing the media in Kumasi Friday night ahead of a thanksgiving Church service by the national executives of the NPP, Lawyer Kodua said the media play a crucial role in the development of every country.

“I do not not joke or make trivial the role of media because apart from information dissemination efforts you undertake, you are best placed to pick feedback from citizens to government so that the latter could use same to plan for the good of the people”, JFK noted.

Olive Branch:

The General Secretary extended an olive branch to the media and asked that they forgive the NPP or any person who may have wronged them in their line of duty.

He stressed he wants to chart a new path where he would broadly collaborate and consult the media on issues of mutual interest.

The NPP scribe hinted of a plan by his outfit to court the media ‘s support so that collectively they would undertake ventures that could ensure the development of the NPP and Ghana.

“I, as well as many of my executives, are new in the positions God graciously gave us through the delegates of our party dueing the national elections and we intend to chart a new path with the media so that together we can collaborate to serve the people of our party and Ghana well”, the General Secretary noted to rapturous applause.


Speaking succinctly, Henry Nana Boakye (Nana B, National Organiser of the NPP, noted the importance of building a healthy relationship with the media.

This, he noted would bode well for the party since the media was a crucial entity that shapes the minds and opinions of the public.

Addressing the media earlier, Mr Kofi Baah Agyekum, acting Youth Employment Agency (YEA) CEO, asked for a better relationship from the media with the NPP.

He noted that this would serve the best interest of both outfits since they would have opportunities to explore to their advantage.

On his part, Dennis Kwakwa, Ashanti Regional Director of Communications asked the media to do their best to crosscheck information with the party and engage more with it so that collectively they could build an effective fusion.


Speaking at the event, Bernard Kusi Appiah, journalist with Multimedia media, called for better treatment of the media by the NPP.

He noted that the current discriminatory tactics by some assigns of the NPP was worrying since the media’s role was defined to pursue truth and things that are factual.

Eunice Atakora Manu, a senior journalist with Abusua fm, welcomed the assurances of the New Secretary of the NPP.

But called on the NPP to show respect to the media in its dealings since the latter’s interest was to push issues and matters that has the potential of bringing development to the people of Ghana.

By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie 


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