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Kyeremeh Oppong Daniel Takes Office As 57th NUGS President

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PIX: Kyeremeh Oppong Daniel, 57th NUGS President addressing the audience at the GNAT Hall, Accra.


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THE NATIONAL Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) saw a peaceful transition of power as the 56th administration, led by Dennis Appiah Larbi, handed over the baton to the 57th administration, led by Kyeremeh Oppong Daniel (KOD) at the GNAT hall in Accra.

In his acceptance speech, KOD emphasized the importance of development in all its forms, promising to work tirelessly for the growth, empowerment, and progress of all students, regardless of their background or circumstances.


The incoming president pledged to ensure that every student had access to quality education, from the basic level up.

According to him, he plans to continue the NUGS Basic Support Project, launched a few years ago, which seeks to improve access to education for all students.

“I promise to foster an environment of inclusivity and diversity, where every voice is heard and represented”, KOD stated.

Additionally, he pledged his commitment to advocacy, promising to use NUG’s arsenals to champion the issues that matter to students.


However, Mr Kyeremeh Daniel emphasized that NUGS was not just an institution, but a family and a community that cares, uplifts as well as supports each other.

He therefore called on all students to work together to shape a brighter future for NUGS and uplift Ghana.

KOD extended his appreciation to the outgoing administration, wishing them well in their future endeavors, and urged all students to exhibit discipline, integrity, and honesty, pledging to be an example of the kind of leader Ghana needs.

“My name abbreviated as KOD is also an acronym that represents Keen On Development as quoted by Abraham Lincoln, calling on everyone to strive for the common goal of development together, leaving no one behind”, the new President intimated.

He added that “the future of Ghana is in the hands of young people and I challeng everyone to become responsible, committed and invested leaders who demonstrate integrity and discipline in all their dealings”.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie, 


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