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I’ll make Cocoa Famers Rich Again …Nana Increases Cocoa Price …As Farmers Jubilate

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PIX: Nana Akufo-Addo announcing the new Cocoa price at Tepa as excited Cocoa farmers jubilate 


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PRESIDENT NANA Akufo-Addo became the toast of Cocoa farmers and other stakeholders who converged at Tepa in the Ashanti Region on Saturday after he announced a huge increase in the price of Cocoa for this year.

Making the announcement, he stated that producer price of Cocoa has been increased from Gh 12,800 per metric tonnes, which is equivalent to Gh 800 per bag to Gh 20,943 per metric tonnes, equivalent to Gh 1,308 per bag.

According to him, the sharp increase in producer price of Cocoa was among a strategic and well calculated move by his administration to make Cocoa famers fabulously rich and respected in the country as it used to be in the past.

“I am happy to announce that the new producer price for cocoa beans per tonne is now Gh 20, 983.00 which means a bag is now GhC 1,308.00”, the president, who looked excited and was beaming, announced to the gathering.

“This is the highest we have paid to Cocoa farmers across West Africa in 50 years”, Nana Akufo-Addo boldly pointed out, attracting a spontaneous shouts of approval from the Cocoa farmers and other stakeholders in the Cocoa sector.

The colourful programme for the announcement of the new Cocoa producer price was graced by top dignitaries, including the Paramount Chief of Tepa, Nana Adusei Atwenewa Ampem, government officials and farmers.

Continuing, President Akufo-Addo stated emphatically that the sharp increase in the producer price of Cocoa this year would not be a nine-daw wonder, assuring the farmers that his administration would sustain the positive initiative.

“My government will continue to increase the producer price of Cocoa in the years ahead in order to help better the lives of our dear Cocoa farmers”, the number one gentleman of the land announced “Better days are ahead”.

Tracing history, he recounted that in some years past, Cocoa farmers were regarded as one of the wealthiest people in the country, but unfortunately that tag was fast eroding now, promising to restore it to benefit farmers.

“When I was a young boy, Cocoa farmers were regarded as one of the wealthiest people in our country at that time but that positive tag is diminishing now and my government is determined to restore it by increasing Cocoa price”, he said.

President Akufo-Addo also passionately appealed to the citizenry to consume Cocoa products on a daily basis in order to improve their health status and also contribute to improve the production of Cocoa to benefit the country.

In response to an appeal by the Tepahene to fix Cocoa roads, the president also announced that starting from October 1, 2023, Cocobod and the Ministry of Agriculture would collaborate to complete Cocoa roads in the country.

Minister of Agric, Bryan Acheampong, with a grim face, expressed gross concern over the smuggling of Cocoa to neighbouring countries by some unscrupulous people for their personal gains, calling for a stop to that weird act.

“I am announcing today that as a personal commitment, I will lead a war against the smuggling so that we nip this illegal act in the bud”, the minister stated categorically, and added that illegal mining was also affecting Cocoa farming.

Joseph Boahen Aidoo, the CEO of Cocobod, on his part, lauded President Akufo-Addo for his personal resolve and determination to support Cocoa farming and improve the lives of the farmers ever since he became the president.

Tepamanhene, Nana Adusei Atwenewa Ampem and the Esumegyahene, Odeneho Nana Okyere Kusi, who represented Otumfuo, in their respective addresses, highly commended the president for supporting the Cocoa sector.

BY Nana Achiaa Adusei Poku


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