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Galamsey Scourge Attributed To Government’s Impotence

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THE INCREASING scourge of unlicensed mining popularly known as galamsey in the local parlance has been atrributed to the absolute impotence of the government.

“The main problem with unlicensed mining in Ghana and the increasing scourge it has become, is government’s sheer inability, total unpreparedness and blatant unwillingness to enforce the law”,
OccupyGhana, a social and political non-partisan pressure group which is committed to ensuring that Ghana develops to its full economic potential and remains a strong democracy, has stated.

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In a statement dated September 28, 2022, the group, formed out of a philosophy of positively changing mindsets, systems and structures leading ultimately to the attainment and sustenance of good governance, noted that there are every law required to regulate the mining industry just as there are government agencies to enforce the law besides Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) and chiefs to check galamsey yet brazen destruction of our lands and wanton poisoning of our water bodies continue by the day.

Occupyghana said there is every reason to believe the popular rumour that persons who should be fighting this crime are rather involved and benefiting from the practice.

The group reminded the President of his stance against galamsey when he declared in 2017 his preparedness to put his presidency on the line for the glamasey fight or it should be seen as having betrayed the trust imposed on him if he failed in his resolve to fight galamsey against all odds.

Occupyghana emphasised that in the face of the assurances, the President has failed and thus betrayed the trust imposed on him and called on him to enforce the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) as amended without fear or favour.

It also said it will continue to remind the President every week about the ommision and commission and inaction in this regard until a firm action is taken to stamp out galamsey.

OccupyGhana, as a watch-dog to hold all elected governments accountable for their actions and celebrate good governance, has therefore threatened to go to court to shame the government if all failed to make the government act to stop the plunder of our forests, lands and water bodies.

By Kow Richardson 


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