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Frema Osei Opare Reconstructs Burnt Arena For Race Course Traders

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PIX: Nanahemaa Kyeiwaah, Market Queen at Bantama Race Course addressing the media Tuesday morning


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Traders at the Corn Mills section of the Kumasi Race Course whose items were recently gutted by fire can now wipe their tears away as the Chief of Staff, Hon Akosua Frema Osei Opare has started reconstruction of the burnt area.

Addressing the media on Tuesday morning, Nanahemaa Kyeiwaah, Market Queen at the Race Course said the traders whose items got burnt had become hopeless.

However, she said the Chief of Staff sent aides to come and survey the area and to assure them of support.

‘’So what you are seeing today including items and the excavation of the area is the solitary effort of the Chief of Staff who wants traders to bounce back into business and to do so even in a better environment than which existed before the fire outbreak’’, Nanahemaa Kyeiwaah stated.


The Market Queen said items such as gravel, chippings, wood, packets of roofing sheets, steel poles, bags of cement and sand as well as many others had been brought on site during the weekend.

She pointed to the excavator that was working while she addressed the media as having started work on the site during the Easter holidays.

She said the idea is to put the place in proper shape before the traders return to their shops after the reconstruction.

‘’As I speak to you, Madam Frema Osei Opare has spent GHC 800, 000 on the reconstruction of this place and this is aside many monetary allocations she has given to victims whose items were destroyed in the recent fire outbreak’’, Nanahemaa Kyeiwaah asserted.


Akua Birago, a 38year old trader whose items were burnt in the fire outbreak expressed delight at the gesture by the Chief of Staff.

‘’Some of us have followed Madam Frema and we are glad that she has shown that motherly kindness towards us too’’, an excited Birago stated.

Faustina Awuni, a 46 year old trader at the burnt arena also commended the Chief of Staff for her kind gesture and praised the Market Queen for pleading their case for them.

‘’As for me I have received double happiness because I had some rice, oil and sugar from Madam Frema when my items got burnt and now she has also given me hope that my place would soon be reconstructed so I can do business again’, Madam Awuni said with a smile.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie,


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