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COKA Leads ‘Break The 8’ Campaign

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UNDAUNTED BY his failed bid at the May 28, 2022 polls to lead Ashanti NPP, Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah (COKA), has declared his fullest
support for the party’s declaration to break the eight year jinx in Ghana.

The dyed-in-the-wool member of the NPP said breaking the 8 is a collective responsibility of all members and not a preserve of a few individuals hence the need to work harder than before and ensure that the party’s resolve to break the eight is achieved with all seriousness.

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COKA, who was speaking on Angel Fm in Kumasi on Friday said in a 78-minute interview with host Kwame Tanko alias ‘KT’ that the agenda of the COKA family which he heads, is to ensure the possibility of breaking the 8 saying “it is possible to break the jinx” indicating that to move forward the ultimate is for the NPP to do the needful and break the 8.

The former Afigya Kwabre South NPP constituency Chairman has said that the ideals of COKA Family has just begun stressing that the COKA Family is not a rhetoric because the family is still strong despite the defeat at the chairmanship slot.

He disclosed that the COKA family comprises about 145 Fan Clubs and Ladies Clubs  across the  region whose membership intend to support the agenda to grow the party in their own small  way.

He, however, cautioned NPP’s large following to avoid politics of insults and think of innovative ideas instead of denigrating the opposition which is no match for the NPP.

Addressing complaints of bad roads in the Ashanti region, he assured that the government was on course and that there is hope that the government would soon tackle and fix the roads within the remaining two years of the governments mandate and called all hands on deck towards the agenda of breaking the eight.

COKA, who now answers Grassroot chairman by popular acclamation by his teeming support base suggested that the national executives would have to implement reforms based on video footages of events during the May regional annual delegates’ congress.

He emphasized that holding executive positions without the passion to work towards breaking the eight is meaningless hence the need to revive party structures and build strong party structures.

The former Scriptures Union President said as a believer, he believed God never made mistakes and was counting on God’s time and directions to contribute his quota to the growth of the party particularly in the Ashanti region.

He also called on the party to cultivate a strong relationship with the media at the national regional and constituency levels as well as improving links with the grassroots and founding fathers.

By Kow Richardson 

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