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CHPS Compound For Aponoaponoso

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HEALTHCARE DELIVERY at Aponoaponoso, in the Ahafo Ano South-East Constituency, in the Ashanti Region, has improved significantly.

This pleasant news has been made possible following the grand opening of a CHPS Compound in the farming community.

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A brainchild of the MP for Ahafo Ano South-East, Francis Manu-Adabor, the new health post has reduced the burden of the people.

According to the lawmaker, the people used to walk for hours before they could get access to proper healthcare, which was not the best.

He said the facility was therefore built with the MP’s share of the National Health Insurance Fund to help improve the lives of the people.

Speaking during the commissioning of the health post, he said the Bokruwa CHPS Compound was also built through the MPs share of the National Health Insurance Fund.

“With support from the district assembly, assembly member, traditional authorities and the public, the two health facilities are functioning concurrently today”, he said.

Manu-Adabor also promised to purchase two new motorbikes for the two health facilities to motivate the staff to work hard and save lives.

By Thomas Awuah

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