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Bosomtwe MP To Build Hostels ln Varsity Campuses For Bosomtwe Students

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THE MEMBER of Parliament for Bosomtwe Constituency, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum has announced his intention to construct a hostel at the University of Mines and Technology (UMAT) to accommodate students from his constituency at the institution.

The MP, who doubles as the Minister of Education, intends to cut the sod next month for the proposed hostel at UMAT.

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His Personal Assistant, Mr. Frank Fokuo Ababio, broke the news to parents of students who are enjoying scholarships by the Bosomtwe law maker at a meeting at Jackie last Wednesday.

He said the intervention would be extended to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and the University of Ghana, Legon and subsequently to all public universities with time.

He said the Bosomtwe MP had released a total of GHc 400,000 in payment of fees to universities which admitted 100 students under scholarship for the next three years besides the provision of laptops and periodic supply of foodstuff to the beneficiary students.

About 100 students from the Bosomtwe constituency are enjoying scholarships by Dr. Adutwum to study in various tertiary institutions.

The motive, he explained, is to enable all students from his constituency who are pursuing courses at the universities have a congenial and serene atmosphere to study.

The Personal Assistant, however, stressed that the facilities would to be funded from the MPs own resources.

Baffour Kwaku Amoateng IV, Chief of Jachie, reacting to the news, said Dr. Osei Adutwum’s vision for his constituents is overwhelming.

He mentioned scholarships, construction of schools, support to widows and empowerment of women as some of the interventions rolled out by the MP to ease challenges in the constituency.

The chief described the Bosomtewe MP as humble and an agent of development whose quest to give back to society was steadfast.

By Kow Richardson

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