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30 MTN Bright Scholarship Beneficiaries Graduate With Honours

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PIX: Three Bright Scholarship Beneficiaries with MTN Officials at the 57th KNUST Graduation Ceremony on Friday.


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Thirty (30) students out of the many who secured Scholarship packages from MTN Foundation are graduating with honours this weekend. 

In Kumasi, 14 out of those who secured the Scholarships popularly termed Bright Scholarship graduated on Thursday and Friday at the Kwame Nkrumah University Science and Technology (KNUST).

Having obtained several honours in Medicine, Pharmacy and others, the 14 participated in the 57th graduation ceremony at KNUST where MTN officials were present to share in the moment.

Speaking to the media, Robert Kuzoe from the MTN Foundation said the telecom outfit was happy to have impacted lives, adding it was deternined to shape the future of many brilliant but needy students.

“As a company it is fulfilling to see the smiles on the faces of these graduates whose lives would now count just because MTN Foundation decided to fund their education having passed the criteria of being brilliant but very needy”, Mr Kuzoe stated.


Mr Kuzoe said the Foundation was committed to investing more funds into the Bright Scholarship initiative so that more brilliant but needy students can access same.

He said apart from paying the tuition of the students who qualify after undergoing interviews, beneficiaries also get stipends every semester to make life comfortable for them.

Mr Kuzoe said just as 30 beneficiaries were graduating from several universities including KNUST this year, the Foundation was happy that many others would also do so in subsequent years.

“We are happy that after graduating with honours from Medicine, surgery, pharmacy and others from other fields these graduates would go on to contribute their knowledge to the development of Ghana”, Mr Kuzoe intimated.


Speaking to the media, Dr Albert Kwaku Boahin, a beneficiary and the overall best student in Medicine and Surgery said he couldn’t have achieved this feat if MTN had not supported him.

“From a poor family, the thought of having my fees paid and stipends provided by MTN Foundation presented me with no excuse but to learn hard and so i am here today because the company decided to show kindness”, Dr Boahin said.

Dr Adjoa Anyidado Hackman, another beneficiary who graduated with honours in Medicine thanked MTN for the support and assistance to enable her achieve the laurel she had.

On his part, Dr Emmanuel Koomson, a graduate in Medicine and a Bright Scholarship beneficiary said he owed his excellent outcome to the assistance MTN provided to him to pursue university education from his second year at the School of Medical Sciences.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie, 


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