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We Share In The Vision of Dr Bawumia–Ama Pomaa Boateng. 

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THE MEMBER of Parliament (MP)for Juaben, Hon Ama Pomaa Boateng says the constituency shares in the vision of the Vice-President,  Dr Alhaji Mahamadu Bawumia. 

Welcoming the Vice-President who is aspiring to lead the New Patriotic Party (NPP) as flag-bearer to the constituency on Monday, Hon Pomaa said the plan by Dr Bawumia to use both human and natural resources as well as technology to develop the country was something Juaben gladly shares in.

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The MP also used the occasion to commend the Veep for assisting with some ICT and infrastructural projects in the constituency.

“We are very happy to receive our hard working Vice President here today and we want to tell him that Juaben fully shares in the vision he has for this country because we know it is possible”, Hon Pomaa stated.

Virtues of Dr Bawumia:

The Juaben MP extolled the virtues of the Veep stressing that, “Dr Bawumia has served the party well”.

Hon Pomaa said, “since joining the NPP the Veep has been campaigning for the party locally and abroad till date through good and tough times”.

“My Vice President has the experience, competence and innovative ideas to spearhead the transformational development of the country”, the MP stated.

The MP also said the people of Juaben were happy that they have a focused, respectful and diplomatic person in the shape of Dr Bawumia.


Speaking later, the Vice President and flag-bearer aspirant, Dr Bawumia thanked the people of Juaben for giving him a rousing welcome.

He noted that he was committed to the wellbeing of the people of Ghana.

The Veep said he was in the flag-bearer race of the NPP to harness the huge human potentials of the persons in the Party to  work to retain power in 2024.

“I am the best to lead and i believe with my competencies and the desire to harness the potential of my fellow party members we can achieve better outcomes going forward”, the Veep stressed.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie, 


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