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NPP Is Unique Political Party-JFK Asserts

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THE GENERAL Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Lawyer Justin Frimpong Kodua says the party he administers as scribe was a hugely democratic one.

Speaking to this reporter after the party’s National Executive Council (NEC) meeting last Thursday which did not specify dates for the upcoming internal flagbearer and parliamentary elections, the General Secretary said the party does not work to please an individual when taking a decision on matters.

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He noted that rather than anything, the party believes in the building of consensus even if it means it should engage in extensive or broader consultations with all facets of its members.

“We are hugely democratic and we don’t take decisions on the spur of the moment and as national executives we are guided by our constitution which favours consensus building in everything we do”, JFK stated.


The General Secretary said while some in the party suggested that it conducts an early congress to elect a flag-bearer for the 2024 General elections, others had a different mindset.

Others, he noted wanted the party to stick to its constitutional provisions and go strictly by the dictates of same.

The General Secretary,  a lawyer by profession said nothing can force the party to change its constitution but noted that as a democratic party it could build consensus to arrive at a progressive point.

“The NPP is a party that encourages consensus building and for us we are determined to go out as the NEC has agreed to collate views and ideas so that when we finally meet to decide on what to do it would be by consensus” the General Secretary said.


Lawyer Kodua said the party is bent on getting everything right as it prepares for the 2024 General elections.

This, he noted, means getting everyone of the party especially stakeholders involved in the decision making processes of the party.

The party, he stated would at the next meeting also discuss modalities for the upcoming internal primaries so that when timelines are set it could be followed through to the end.

“We shall get it right and all modalities that needs to be provided before our elections would be done so that we can follow through to a logical point for us to wage a solid campaign afterwards”, the General Secretary stated.

BY Michael Ofosu-Afriyie 


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