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Simon Osei Mensah, Ashanti Regional NPP Elections Committee Chairman

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FROM ALL indications, the Ashanti Regional New Patriotic Party (NPP) is struggling to settle on a venue for the party’s upcoming regional polls.

Earlier reports indicated that the party had settled on the Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) in Kumasi as venue for the big party event.

But barely one-week to the event, the Ashanti Regional First Vice Chairman of the NPP, Kwabena Nsenkyire, says the venue is not confirmed yet.

He, however, did not give reasons for the delay in announcing the exact venue for the elections, especially as the elections date gradually draws closer.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Press1News on Friday, he said the venue will be determined and announced to the public soon.

Meanwhile, checks made by Press1News revealed that the incumbent Ashanti Regional NPP Chairman, Bernard Antwi Boasiako, wants the polls to be held at the RCC.

However, the camp of another hot favourite for the regional chairman seat, Chairman Odeneho Kwaku Appiah (COKA), vehemently opposed to RCC as the venue.

COKA’s camp, reportedly, cited lack for space to accommodate the delegates from all the 47 constituencies in the region as the reason for their resistance.

Press1News is keenly monitoring events and will publish the venue for the May 27, 2022 elections to its readers as and when it is made available.

Stay tuned…..

Authored by

I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr

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