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Man ‘Shot’ At UPP Party Office-Behind Police Training School

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ONE MAN has suffered facial wounds after he was hit by a stray bullet, fired by two unknown gunmen.

The trigger-happy goons had attacked the United Progressive Party (UPP) Ashanti Regional Office.

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Interestingly, the UPP office is located just behind the Ashanti Regional Police Training School in Patase.

The gunmen stormed the office on Monday evening and they kept asking about the whereabouts of Odike.

Press1news is yet to verify whether Akwasi Addai aka ‘Odike’, the UPP Leader, was present during the attack.

People at the scene said before they could utter a word, the bloodthirsty men started to shoot at them.

Fear-stricken people in the hitherto peaceful area, reportedly, had to ran helter-skelter to save their lives.

The attackers destroyed the glass-made doors of the UPP office as nobody could dare get close to them.

The bold gunmen also smashed the windscreen of a private a car, parked in front of the party office.

In the course of the shooting, a unknown man, who was at the UPP office at the time, was hit by a stray bullet.

In a video on social media, the victim displayed his facial wounds as he rained curses on his attackers.

No arrest had been made yet by the police in connection with the shooting, Press1News is aware.

As a reminder, the gun attack comes few days after Asante Chiefs perforned rites and banished Odike from the area.

They accused Odike of saying unprintable words against the Asante King, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

It is however not confirmed if the Monday shooting has a link with the chief’s decision to banish Odike.

By I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr


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