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LPG Eyes 275 MP Seats

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THE LIBERAL Party of Ghana (LPG) will be contesting for all the 275 parliamentary seats in the country in the December 7th polls.

Presidential Candidate of the LPG, Kofi Akpaloo, insists the party’s decision is irreversible, and it’s to help to positively promote the party.

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“Yes, we will be contesting for all the 275 parliamentary seats in the 16 region of the country in the upcoming general elections.

“The LPG is contesting for the 275 seats with the sole intention to win them”, Kofi Akpaloo informed Press1News in Kumasi.

According to him, contesting all the parliamentary seats in the country will greatly help to enhance the popularity of the LPG.

“Our parliamentary aspirants will campaign in their various constituencies and that will contribute to make the LPG popular and visible”.

Kofi Akpaloo also said the LPG considers the Volta Region as its stronghold, stressing that the party will win more votes from the Volta region.


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