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KATH Detains Needy Patient For Non-Payment Of Ghc 7,269.89 Bill

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THE KOMFO Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) in Kumasi is holding a patient for non-payment of GHc7,269.89 three weeks after her discharge.

Rahinatu Sulemana had been admitted at the C4 Ward of the health facility last May over a two-month period, having been referred to KATH on May 14, 2022 by the Agogo Presbyterian Hospital following complications during delivery.

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The 34-year- old baker of Konongo had since undergone surgery and received treatment at the Surgery Directorate of the facility where she also underwent various tests.

Rahinatu was discharged on July 14, 2022 but she would not be allowed to leave her C4 Ward of the hospital until a bill of GHc7,269.89 was settled.

Rahinatu on admission

Her husband, obviously, from the low income group has managed to pay GHc3,200.00 in two installments of GH2,100.00 and GHc1,100.00 as at
August 2, 2022 to bring the outstanding indebtedness to GHc7,269.89 but it is not enough to guarantee Rahinatu’s discharge.

Rahinatu has the option of settling the amount in full or a guarantor to enable the Accounts Unit of the hospital to consider her plea to discharge and pay later.

An official hospital mouthpiece, however, indicates the hospital management could waive the amount only after a social enquiry report had been issued by the Social Welfare Unit of the facility upon a probe to confirm the patient is indeed deprived and cannot raise the amount.

While frantic efforts are being made to raise the amount or make part payments to meet requirements of the facility for her discharge, Rahinatu’s mother, Madam Salamatu Sulemana, has appealed to philanthropists, well- meaning individuals and the general public to come to her aid to settle the bill.

By Kow Richardson 

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