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Ghana Is Grateful For Your Sacrifices-Sam Pyne To Muslims

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THE MAYOR of Kumasi,  Hon Samuel Pyne has commended Ghanaian Muslims for their continued sacrifices of prayer and hard work.

Addressing the Ahmaddiya Muslim Mission’s celebration of the Eid-ul Fitr at the TI Amass Senior Secondary school Park, the Mayor said ‘it is not easy for you to yearly commit yourselves to fast and pray for 30 days just to ask blessings and peace on mankind and this Nation’.

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The Mayor stressed that these prayers and supplications have stood the country very well, adding that it is the very reason Ghanaians see progress and peace in their lives and in the country.

“You have shown your commitment to the development of Ghana and through your yearly prayers during Ramadan and the Eid that follows the country remain blessed”, the Mayor noted.


The Mayor however asked Muslim leaders to continue their daily admonitions to the youth to stay peaceful and hard working.

He noted that some youthful elements have been engaged in ventures that are doing more harm to the society and themselves.

Some of these wayward youth, the Mayor intimated are from Muslim communities and are fond of engaging in illicit activities including armed robbery, thuggery and the peddling of banned substances.

“It is important that while we pray and ask Allah for his blessings we do more to conscientize our youth to stay off activities that are illegal and criminal such as robbery, thuggery and the peddling of illicit drugs so that we can have a peaceful society to live in”, the Mayor stated.

Regional Missionary:

Maulvi Abdul Hameed, the Ashanti Regional Missionary of the Ahmaddiya Muslims Mission commended members of the faith for engaging in the Ramadan fast and showing commitment to the observance of the pillar of the Islamic faith.

He asked that they go on from the Eid celebrations with clear minds and clean hearts to do things that will show the good in them.

He reminded them to treat people well no matter their status in life, occupation or faith.

“We are to treat people well and show them that we are people of the Islamic faith which enjoins us to love, care and be considerate of the needs of others”, the Regional Missionary stressed.

Maulvi Abdul Hameed also offered support to the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) in dealing with filth and other issues that continue to affect the lives of the people living in the metropolis.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie, 


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