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GDCL Is Determined In Harnessing Digital Potentials In Ghana-CEO Asserts

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HON. KWADWO Baah Agyemang, Chief Executive Officer for the Ghana Digital Centres Limited says the Ministry which is responsible for Digitalisation and Technological Innovation, has taken a keen interest in how emerging technologies are shaping the future. 

He noted that technology and Innovation has become an intrinsic part of the digital future.

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Speaking at the sod-cutting ceremony at the Center where MTN is buidling a digital hub, the CEO said government through the Ministry and GDCL is ensuring that the youth are equipped to participate in the digital economy which is valued at $20 Trillion by 2025 and also to systematically create opportunities for homegrown start-ups in the space, to create value and wealth for our people.

“As a way of addressing the gaps, the Ghana Digital Centers Limited (GDCL), a state-of-the-art mini-tech hub, was established to harness the digital potential of Ghana by driving Digital innovation entrepreneurship to create digital and ancillary jobs for the youth through the hosting of Tech firms and Digital startups”, the CEO stated.


The Centre over the years, the Ceo mentioned has attracted a mix of technology ventures of various sizes and stages, including Start Ups, SMEs, and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Companies.

He noted that it has also built the capacity of over five thousand (5000) Ghanaian youth in different digital training programmes.

Some of the programs, he mentioned have been training in digital marketing, call centre skills, basic IT, Microsoft office suite, and BPO skills amongst others.

“Since the Centre was operationalized in 2017, a total of seven thousand, five hundred and fifteen (7,515) jobs have been created for the youth and vulnerable persons from low-income communities”, the CEO disclosed.

Additional information:

Currently, the Ghana Digital Centres Limited has allocated 100% of its space and achieved a 100% occupancy rate with many other tech companies still seeking space at the Center, Hon Agyemang noted.

He stressed that the decision by the MTN Group to build an ICT hub in Ghana as part of its 25th anniversary and committing to it, was therefore one of the best pieces of information amid all the cacophony relating to global uncertainties.

“I wish to express Government’s gratitude to the MTN Group and MTN Ghana leadership for this kind gesture and to borrow the words of His Excellency the President during his launch of MTN’s 25th anniversary in June 2021, ‘You have become a model for emulation’. I must say that your continuous commitment, partnerships, and efforts to be at the frontier of championing digital innovations in Ghana is extremely commendable”, the CEO posited.

The CEO stated that the  ICT hub will complement Ghana Digital Centers Limited’s focus on a nationwide network of digital transformation centers and interventions nurturing new businesses.

The Government believes that innovation is the hallmark of entrepreneurship and digital entrepreneurship provides huge opportunities for job creation and economic growth.

MTN Ghana CEO:

Selorm Adadevoh, Chief Executive Officer of MTN Ghana thanked the Ghana government for providing an enabling environment to ensure businesses thrive.

The construction of the MTN ICT hub, he noted was therefore meant to explore the digital space and potentials available in the country.

Minister for Communications:

Mrs Ursula Owusu Ekuful, Minister for Communications and Digitalization assured MTN of government’s support to enable them make optimum use of the digital space.

She therefore rallied the GDCL to partner with MTN to ensure Ghana and the youth benefit from the investments and initiatives in the digital economy.

Present at the ceremony were the South African Ambassador, Minister of Works and Housing as well as the Deputy Minister for Communications and Digitalization and CEOs from other state institutions.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie


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