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“Fight For NPP At All Times”— Ernest Owusu Bempah Charges NPP Security Wing

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Ernest Kofi Owusu Bempah, Deputy Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has charged the stoutly built members of the party popularly called “NPP Security” (machomen) to rise up to its defense at all times.

Speaking to the Asawase branch of the group Sunday evening, Mr Bempah said that the NPP had become a strong party due to the group’s supportand operations.

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He promised to lobby for resources to enable the group members carry out their duties and operations.

“I have been a beneficiary of your support and assistance and I promise to personally lobby for incentives and resources from party leaders and Chief executive officers so that you can continue to carry out your duties in support of the NPP”, the Deputy Communications Director assured.

2024 Elections:

Mr Bempah told the NPP folks that the 2024 general elections would not be a walk in the park,  adding that the stakes are high.

He noted that just as John Mahama is striving to get just four years to do whatever he wants to achieve it was incumbent on every NPP member to also work to retain the party in power so that it can continue to invest in the people and create jobs for the Ghanaian youth.

Mr Bempah stated that the three day demonstration led by Oliver Barker Vormawor is just a smokescreen to court support for the NDC and paint the NPP government black in the eyes of the public ahead of elections 2024.

“It would be suicidal for us to watch the NDC return to power in 2024 when Akufo-Addo has worked to put the country on a trajectory that would just need another visionary leader from tje NPP stock to continue the transformational agenda aimed at making Ghana a prosperous nation”, Mr Bempah stated.

Ashanti Director of Communications:
Mr Paul Kwabena Yandoh, Acting Director of Communications for Ashanti NPP speaking later at the meeting assured the group of his outfit’s support.

He noted that he was a new face amongst the regional executives but having realised the important roles the group has played he would lobby for resources to ensure they work with ease.

The Acting Director also promised to ensure the group is given proper recognition by the regional executives in the scheme of their operations.

“Having listened to you and the important roles you have played i will liaise with my Deputy National Communications Director so that the resources you need would be dispatched to you as early as possible”, Mr Yandoh stated.

Group’s Leader:

Mr Mustapha Muhammed, the Group’s leader thanked the party leaders for meeting with them to listen to them.

He also commended them for the show of support as well as the plans to resource the group’s members to enable them work well.

The leader said previously they had been denied the support they required and were becoming despondent.

“My members are happy that you’ve found time to meet us and assure us of support and it is my hope that you energise us continuously for us to carry out our operations and assignments effectively and efficiently”, the leader stated.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie, 


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