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Dallas Mayor Chats With K’si Mayor

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Dallas Mayor, Eric Johnson receives a token bearing the portrait of the King of Asante from Sam Pyne, Kumasi Mayor during their maiden meeting in the United States of America last week.

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The Mayor of Dallas, Eric Johnson last week hosted the Kumasi Mayor, Sam Pyne to a meeting in the United States of America (USA).

The two discussed issues of mutual interests at the City Hall of Dallas.

Both Johnson and Pyne brainstormed on the need to explore cultural and tourism interests between Kumasi and Dallas.

This, they hoped could help to foster sister city relations between the two Metropolis.


Mr. Pyne who is officially on leave is in the U.S.A to seek assistance for the exploration of new ways and technologies to improve his sanitation agenda in the Kumasi Metropolis.

The Mayor is also using his tour of the US to seek for investment opportunities to complete all projects started before his tenure and others earmarked to be undertaken from this year.

Symbolic Gesture:

In appreciation of the honour and invitation extended to him, Hon Pyne decorated Mayor Johnson with Ghanaian symbols and designs at the meeting.

The Kumasi Mayor also presented a document-magazine detailing the history, progress and vision of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly to the Dallas Mayor.

Showing extreme excitement,  Mayor Johnson promised to facilitate a quick establishment of a new relationship between the two cities to foster developments and cultural-exchange programs.


Expressing his gratitude, the Mayor of Dallas presented a gift of various items produced in Dallas to the KMA Chief Executive as a token to the new friendship between the cities.

Mayor Johnson said he has arranged series of meetings between the KMA Boss and the various heads of departments of the Dallas Metropolis to deliberate and offer assistance to the KMA’s sanitation drive.


Since becoming the KMA Chief Executive, Hon Pyne has aimed at creating wealth from waste whilst ridding Kumasi city of filth.

Mayor Pyne has led several clean-up exercise in the Metropolis and has embarked on mass education in the Kumasi Metropolis of the need to ensure a sanitized environment.

The KMA as part of efforts to ensure a clean environment in the Kumasi Metropolis is securing four composting plants and two recycling plants, which will be used to significantly address the issue of sanitation.

Hon Pyne believes the Assembly would be able to drastically improve the sanitation in the metropolis as a result of a partnerships it has formed with International Organizations, sister cities and the European Union.

By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie 


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