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Ayew Afriye Exposes Mahama, Calls former President “Inconsistent Person” on Health Matters.

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The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament (MP) for Effiduase-Asokore, Hon Dr Nana Ayew Afriye has expressed surprise at the manner the flag-bearer of the NDC sees government’s agenda of constructing 111 hospitals across the country as over ambitious. 

Speaking to this reporter, Dr Afriye said the hospital project consists of 88 District hospitals, 6 new regional hospitals and 1 hospital in Western region.

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In addition, he explained that there are 2 Infectious disease centers , 2 psychiatry hospitals ; 1 in Savannah area, the other in the middle belt zone and the upgrading of the Accra psychiatry hospital.

“A few health centers used as district hospitals will see a facelift to befitting district hospitals”, he told this reporter.


Dr Afriye said contrary to the claims of the former President, NDC Manifesto of 2020 had a pledge to construct 96 hospitals if they won power.

He noted that page 64 items P, Q and R mentioned that it would construct 6 new Regional hospitals and 1 in Western Region.

In addition, the NDC promised to provide district hospitals in districts where there is none, that is 88 district hospitals.

They also pledged to establish 2 national infectious disease centers

These, minus the facelift to some existing health centers used as district hospitals will sum up to Agenda 96 by the NDC.

“Is JDM been inconsistent Or he didn’t mean what he stated in their NDC 2020 manifesto”, the NPP legislator quizzed.


The NPP MP commended the NDC for the construction of the Accra hospital phase 1, Dodowa hospital and UGMC phase 1 projects.

But Dr Afriye said the NDC cannot compare its achievement in terms of the quantum of hospitals to enhance access to healthcare to that of the NPP.

He noted that every Ghanaian living everywhere matters in accessing healthcare and not only those living in the  Greater Accra Region.

He therefore expressed satisfaction about pace of work on the agenda 111 hospital project.

“About 90, that is 88 District Hospitals and 2 Zonal Psychiatric Hospitals are at different stages of completion”, the MP revealed.

Additional information:

Dr Afriye said the NPP government had started equipment procurement, adding that about 50% of these will be completed by end of year.

This, he stated will be the highest number of hospitals built in 8 years by any government under the 4th Republic.

President Kufour until 2008 had built 6 and through Euroget to complete another 6 more, the MP recalled.

“These 12 would have been the highest in 8years built by any government but Nana will be surpassing this by far”, the Effiduase-Asokore MP stressed.

BY Michael Ofosu-Afriyie 


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