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Students Run For Their Lives-After Gas Explosion

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School children running to save their lives 

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SCHOOLS AT Atonsu have been forced to closed after a gas explosion at the Kumasi Shoe Factory.

A disturbing video of school children racing to save their Iives is now in circulation on social media.

The minors and their teachers are seen running like athletes just to leave harm’s path and stay alive.

A tanker, which was offloading gas at the shoe factory on Friday afternoon suddenly exploded.

The huge blast sparked fear and panic among residents of the area, who ran helter-skelter.

As a preventive measure, schools in the area also closed before their normal closing time.

In the video, pupils aged about 6, were running to safety, amid gas explosions in the background.

No serious injuries have been recorded yet as fire fighters are still at the scene to quench the blaze.

By I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr

1 Comment

  1. Evelyn cobbina
    June 17, 2022 @ 6:50 pm

    We thank God for the lives of these little one’s.


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