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I Have Not Caused The Arrest Of Any Chief—Asokwa MCE Clarifies

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The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Asokwa, Mr Akwannuasah Gyimah has described as false claims by the Chief of Nahinso, a community in the Asokwa Municipality that he caused his arrest.

The MCE said he was informed by the Asokwa NADMO Coordinator and the Assembly woman for the Chirapatre Electoral Area that the Chief was engaging in an illegal winning of sand near GridCo pylons at a location in the community.

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Adressing the media Thursday morning after taking them to the site of the issue, the MCE said the Chief was using the sand to fill a wetland in a nearby area.

“As MCE, my attention was drawn to the activties of the Nahiniso Chief by my NADMO Director as well as the Assembly member for Chirapatre concerning an illegal sand winning act  under the GridCo pylons in an area in Nahiniso”, the MCE stated.


As a responsible Head of the Municipality, the MCE said he visited both sites to confirm the information he had.

He noted that he also visited the same place with stakeholders of the Assembly including the security agencies and heads of departments of Asokwa Municipal Assembly same day so they could all attest to the issues.

It was however surprising that rather than tell the Police the truth when some boys of his were invited by the Police for engaging in sand winning activity, the Chief decided to peddle a lie that he was the one arrested by the Police.

“The Chief trying to run away from the wrath of the Police after an invitation was extended to two assigns of his hurriedly put some three trips of the sand which had been illegally won from the site on the roadside close to where he was engaged in the illegality”, the MCE stressed.

Mr Akwannuasah said that actuated by malice the Chief who was engaged in the illegal activity rather took to the media to court attention and sympathy by dabbling in false narrations on the issue.


The MCE stated that as an Assembly the Asokwa Municipality was guided by the law regarding sand winning activities and the fillig of wetlands for human habitation.

The Assembly, he stated was therefore determined to enforce the law on same no matter who is involved.

“I therefore want to put it on record that the Asokwa Municipal Assembly has not caused the arrest of any Chief as claimed”, the MCE emphasised.

He added that the Municipal Assembly will not shirk away from its responsibilities as custodians of public administration to rely on anyone to construct roads for the people.

Road Construction:

The MCE dislosed that the very road the Chief claims he was constructing has already been awarded on contract to Messers Attacchy Construction Company.

He noted that the contractor had dutifully finished with the first phase of same and waiting to mobilise to site so as to complete works.

Appeal To Media:

We therefore want to use this medium to urge the media to rather than rush to give false information to do well to contact authorities or persons involved in such matters.

These needful checks amd verifications, the MCE noted can help them to authenticate the truth from falsehood as has been the case been addressed.

“We as an Assembly nonetheless, remain committed as a Municipal Assembly to protect the lives and properties of the people”, Mr Akwannuasah stated.


Meanwhile at the time of going to press, the NADMO Regional Director, Frank Duodu and an Officer from the Ghana Grid Company had caused the arrest of the Chief.

The two outfits reported to the Police that the Chief was engaged in illegal winning of sand in an unauthorised area and filling a wetland without approval.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie, Kumasi.

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