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Evans Kwafo Pays Medical Bills of Two Mothers Detained At Private Hospital

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PIX: Mr Evans Kofi Kwafo, CEO of EKK Foundation standing at the bedside of the two mothers whose medical bills he paid at County Hospital.


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THE CHIEF Executive Officer (CEO) for EKK Foundation, Mr Evans Kofi Kwafo on Thursday accompanied by his team paid GHC 20, 000.00 to County Hospital at Abrepo as the bill for two ladies who went to the private facility to deliver their babies a month ago.

The two ladies, Augustina Abasi, 31 years and Gifty Wusah, 27 years, visited the private hospital and delivered their babies but could not pay the bill of GHC 10,000.00 each.

Speaking to the media during the visit to the health facility, Mr Kwafo said someone drew his attention to the predicament of the two ladies and together with his Foundation they decided to advance some support to enable the ladies to go home with their babies.

‘’ I got a call on Tuesday evening that two freshly delivered babies with their mothers had been detained at County Hospital due to their inability to pay the required bills and upon hearing this, my team and I decided to raise funds so we could get the ladies and their babies to go home’’, Mr Kwafo narrated.


Speaking to this reporter, Augustina Abasi whose baby was lying beside her said she had no one to fall on for support since the husband had abandoned her due to the bill that was given to her.

‘’My husband after learning of the bill didn’t show up here again because he couldn’t afford the bill and I have been here for a little over a month now but I am happy that this man who I do not know has decided to pay my bills and get my child and myself home’’, Madam Abasi stated.

However at the time of our visit, Gifty Wusah had lost the baby she delivered due to complications that arose but had regained consciousness despite the shedding of tears while seated on her bed.

‘’I did not get my baby due to complications that came up but I thank God that I am alive and it is comforting to learn that Mr Kwafo is paying my bills so I can go home after spending a month here’’, Madam Wusah tearfully told this reporter.


Madam Sophia Acquaye, Midwife In-Charge of the facility thanked the EKK foundation CEO for the gesture.

She noted that both ladies were in good health to go home and were only there because they owed so much.


Meanwhile, Mr Evans Kwafo has appealed to well to do persons, individuals as well as corporate bodies to often visit these health facilities to assess situations prevailing there and help out.

He noted that many were struggling to pay bills since the Health Insurance cards they were holding can now afford only Paracetamol and other cheap stuff at the hospitals during visits.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie,


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