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Diaspora4DMB Condemns NDC’s Pro-Galamsey Campaign

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Diaspora4DMB, a support group for the candidature of the Dr Mahamodu Bawumia has condemned the behaviour and comments by the National Democratic Congress(NDC) Deputy Communications Officer, Kwaku Boahen on galamsey.

The NDC Officer was heard on live television indicating his party’s readiness to go on a negative campaign about galamsey so they can pitch the NPP against miners.

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He on the said show noted his personal readiness to lead the charge to do so by telling the indigenes of mining areas that the NPP was against mining and were propping up measures to ban same.

The Diaspora4DMB Group does not only find this statements bad but says it is a wicked and backward way of care when all the country were discussing the way to end mining done illegally in water bodies and forest reserves.

This portal brings to you the full statement as released by the Secretariat of the Diaspora4DMB Group today.


The Diaspora for DMB (Diaspora4DMB) is issuing this statement to strongly condemn the recent remarks made by Kwaku Boahen, Deputy National Communication Officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), regarding the party’s intent to pursue a pro-galamsey (illegal mining) campaign ahead of the 2024 elections.

During an interview on UTV, Boahen confirmed that the NDC has tasked him with leading this campaign in mining communities, citing his previous success in gaining votes from these areas during the 2020 elections by supporting galamsey activities.

Diaspora4DMB finds this stance irresponsible and dangerous. By promoting galamsey, the NDC is not only encouraging illegal activity but is also jeopardising the long-term well-being of the country.

Illegal mining has caused widespread destruction of Ghana’s environment, including the depletion of forests, contamination of water bodies, and loss of arable land.

By endorsing such practices, the NDC is undermining the rule of law and the national interest, putting Ghana’s future at risk.

The Environmental Catastrophe of Galamsey

Illegal mining has wreaked havoc on Ghana’s natural resources. Rivers such as the Pra, Ankobra, and Birim are severely polluted, with mercury and other toxic chemicals making the water unsafe for drinking and farming.

Forests that previously provided biodiversity and contributed to climate stability have been devastated, leaving large areas barren and unrecoverable for decades.

Moreover, galamsey threatens the livelihoods of rural communities dependent on agriculture.

Fertile land is being destroyed, leading to food insecurity and economic hardship.

By promoting galamsey, the NDC is perpetuating practices that endanger both the environment and the economic stability of these communities.

This irresponsible approach threatens to push the country further into environmental disaster and poverty.

Diaspora4DMB is particularly alarmed by the timing of the NDC’s pro-galamsey campaign. While many stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and local communities, are working tirelessly to combat illegal mining, the NDC is reversing these efforts.

By making political gains through illegal activities, the NDC is undermining national efforts to safeguard Ghana’s environment for future generations.

The NDC’s Irresponsible Political Strategy:

Boahen’s comments reveal a cynical political strategy aimed at exploiting vulnerable mining communities for votes.

In his interview, he boasted about his previous success in securing votes by supporting illegal miners, saying, “While we are campaigning, the children (galamseyers) are in the forest mining, so we will send our message to them.”

This approach is not only opportunistic but also a gross violation of the principles of responsible governance.

Instead of proposing sustainable solutions for the challenges faced by these communities, the NDC is promoting illegal activities that have devastating consequences for the entire country.

This reckless political strategy sends a dangerous message that breaking the law is acceptable as long as it serves political interests, an attitude that encourages lawlessness and undermines the country’s legal framework.

Contradictions and Hypocrisy:
iaspora4DMB is also concerned about the NDC’s contradictory stance on galamsey.

While the party is advocating for illegal mining in rural areas, it appears to take an anti-galamsey stance in Greater Accra, where it supports elements of “Organised Labour” who have opposed illegal mining.

This inconsistency raises serious questions about the NDC’s integrity and its commitment to addressing the galamsey crisis.

If the NDC were genuinely committed to protecting Ghana’s environment, it would adopt a consistent position across the country—denouncing galamsey in all regions and promoting sustainable mining practices.

Instead, the party is playing both sides, seeking to gain political capital by aligning with different groups based on regional interests.

This hypocrisy undermines any credibility the party claims to have on environmental issues.

The Way Forward: Responsible Leadership Needed:
Diaspora4DMB calls on the NDC to immediately retract its pro-galamsey stance and demonstrate a genuine commitment to combating illegal mining.

The party must not only denounce galamsey nationwide but also promote sustainable alternatives that protect the environment and offer economic opportunities to affected communities.

Ghana’s future hinges on responsible leadership that prioritises the long-term prosperity of the nation over short-term political gains.

Additionally, we urge all political parties and leaders to commit to preserving Ghana’s environment and enforcing its laws.

Illegal mining is a crime against the nation, and those who support or engage in it must be held accountable. Political parties should lead the charge against galamsey, not use it as a tool for electoral success.


In conclusion, Diaspora4DMB stands firm in its condemnation of the NDC’s pro-galamsey campaign.

We urge Ghanaians to reject any political party that promotes the destruction of the country’s natural resources for political gain.

Ghana’s future must be built on sustainability, respect for the rule of law, and a commitment to protecting our environment for generations to come.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie, Kumasi.

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