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Chieftaincy Minister Eulogises Otumfuo For Being Welcoming And Profusely Kind

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The Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Hon Stephen Asamoah Boateng has praised the Asante King, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II for being profusely welcoming and kind.

Adressing a durbar of chiefs and people including specially invited non-Asantes at Manhyia during the celebration of Ahoho Awukudae in honor of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II who is 25 years on the throne as King, Hon Boateng urged the participants to emulate the exemplary traits of the Asante Overlord.

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The Minister who also represented the President of the Republic, conveyed government’s appreciation of the roles the Asantehene has and continues to play in the affairs of the country.

“The President and his government are grateful for the exemplary roles you play in almost all the facets of governance which has ensured the peace and stability of the country and it is with this i on behalf of the President wishes you more happy years ahead of your 25th anniversary ad King of Asanteman”, the Minister stated.


The Minister said the NPP Government was appreciative of the monumental milestone of the kingship of Otumfuo whose leadership spans a quarter of a decade.

“Today, we do not celebrate just the years and longevity of your reign, but the impact and influence that has come to characterize your ascension to the golden stool in 1999”.

The Minister stressed that “His Royal Majesty has become a model of today’s traditional leader committed to peace, development and nation-building”

“I have personally interacted with him a couple of times, even before my appointment as substantive Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, and I cannot put in words, the depth of wisdom and knowledge His royal Majesty possesses”, the Minister eulogised.

Government Intervention:

Hon Boateng stated that at a time when people are calling for the abolishment of the Chieftaincy Institution that has been bedeviled by conflicts in recent years, government on the contrary are proud and honored to associate itself with Otumfuo, whose efforts in education, health, poverty, conflict resolution and capacity building for traditional leaders, are remarkable.

He noted that for over 22 years, several critical sectors such as Health, Water and Sanitation have benefited from numerous projects from the Otumfuo Charity Foundation not to mention initiatives towards poverty alleviation.

“As a show of support, and as a means of ensuring sustainable financing for our Chiefs and Traditional Authorities, Government is in the process of establishing Chieftaincy Development Fund to enable them play their roles as leaders in their communities”, Hon Boateng stated.


This intervention, the Minister noted will help our traditional rulers to undertake developmental projects within their traditional areas and strengthen capacity-building of our Chiefs and Queenmothers

It is high time we made the chieftaincy institution the fulcrum around which local development evolves, the Minister posited.

“We are also in the process of review sections of the Chieftaincy Act, 2008 (Act 759) and the Legislative Instruments (L.I 798 to) to reflect the current trend of events, as well as restore some powers to our traditional leaders.

“The Minister stated that, “as we have done in the past, this Government will continue to work with you to bring lasting peaceful solutions in conflict areas including the Bawku situation which is currently before your Royal Majesty”.

Story By Michael Ofosu-Afriyie,


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